miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008

A Gentle Touch

Finally getting back to the Mexico Stories and to the very significant conversation between Femia, middle brother Efrén, and others present, his wife Rita and her sister Livis, and Ulises.

I could kick myself for not recording it but will do my best to recall the meaningful memories.

Setting: Breakfast meal, variety of foods/leftovers/fruit and coffee; seated at the round table in Femia's kitchen; conversation threads criss-crossing; subject, early childhood memories and more specifically now--cruelty of the aunts

Tía Vicha raised Efrén and had no children of her own. Her sister, tía Clara (or often called Clara la cruel), lived nearby and had a family of her own; her children always received preferential treatment.

Rita recalls the days of their courtship: "I was appalled to hear the aunts refer to Efrén as el recogido [the one we took in]."

Livis: "I would have called her [tía Clara] la recojita [the very cripple, as she had a slight limp]!"

The sisters then talk about their growing up years, six girls and so much love in the family! Dysfunction was so foreign to them that it took a while to recognize and accept it as such. Tía Clara knew nothing else and married to a drunk she was forever envious of the good fortune of others. Rita is convinced that tía Clara poisoned her sister's attitude.

Femia: "Remember the wash tub at the missionary school? Tía Clara used to bathe me, grab me by the hair, pull and drag me around in the cold water. I hated cold water!"

At the first mention of the wash tub, Ulises (Femia's husband) reached over to touch her cheek and put his hand on her shoulder, a gentle loving supportive gesture. He knew what was coming, the pain stirred up by those memories of intentional cruelty still brings tears to her eyes even 60+ years later.

The two aunts worked at the missionary school and that was the connection that eventually led to Femia being given to the missionaries.

1. Efrén and Rita's wedding 2. With tía Vicha and husband 3. Livis, Efrén and Rita (6/12/08)

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