miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008

Goodbye, friends...

A month ago Femia and Ulises took me to Pisté to catch a bus to Cancún. We had spent two weeks together every day and blended our daily routines nicely. At the beginning Femia needed more help due to a stroke suffered April 5th, but by the end she was chasing me out of the kitchen.
My main reason for traveling to Mexico was to spend time with Femia and help out in whatever way possible. From the moment we met four years ago, we have felt like soul-mates--almas gemelas.
She has a most fascinating story and I would like to put it in writing. So my intentional focus was to be attentive and listen, to ask questions and record the many stories. Now I need to begin to gather all that I have gleaned, do more research, write and see what comes of it.
At the beginning of the summer, before traveling to Yucatán, I had begun to read books about adoption by speaker and author Sherrie Eldridge. As I read excerpts from the book Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew and shared some of the concepts with Femia, many memories and feelings surfaced.
Femia was never legally adopted, however her experiences are very similar to those described in the book. Throughout her lifetime she has had to deal with issues of relinquishment and the pain of abandonment.
A conversation I shall never forget, happened during a brief visit with Efrén and his wife Rita visiting from California. We sat around the table, Rita and I serving breakfast, then Femia asked her brother one question: "What are your earliest memories of childhood?" and he spent the rest of our morning together recounting feelings and happenings that were uncannily similar to hers.
Femia was the oldest of three siblings and each of them at some point was taken away from their dysfunctional mother and placed in a different home. They struggled for years, far into adulthood, with emotions surrounding the abandonment by their father as well.
Efrén told of the day, after he had been taken to Aunt Bicha's, when his father told him to wait because when he came back they were going to go cut wood together. The little guy did just that, very eagerly at first, he sat on the rock by the gate for hours, even in the rain, and refused to go in until after dark when it was obvious dad was not coming back for him.

For Femia, the train whistle has always triggered a similar memory. Dad told her to pack her things, in the morning she would be going with him. Her little box was ready, but when she woke up he had left already.
Hoping to spare them pain by avoiding the truth, this parent caused greater anguish. Both children suffered the deep pain of abandonment and damaging hatred for years but by the grace of God and the loving families He gave them later, they were finally healed and able to forgive and reach out to their birth parents.
Ted's wedding brought the three siblings together.
What a meaningfull moment was captured in this one photo!
Efrén, Femia and Mosi Haas

martes, 15 de julio de 2008

Remembering the village wedding/s

Another monthaversary happened yesterday--Carla and Harvin's.

Whenever a group of extranjeros was staying in Xocenpich, Silvia (Femia's half-sister) came around selling her crafts (crocheted handbags, coin purses, hats, doll dresses, hair accessories, as well as hammocks). Her daughter Carla always came with her and she talked about wanting to learn English.

Well, this year during my visit, I was privileged to attend both of her wedding ceremonies.
An invitation was personally delivered in a fancy little box inviting us to both celebrations.

The civil ceremony was held at noon on Thursday at her parents' home, the blue house on the corner of the plaza, with the arcade games.
The church wedding was Saturday evening in the Templo followed by a reception at the Bíblico.

For the first, she wore the traditional regional style dress and for the church wedding a modern bridal gown.

The food was also very different. Thursday after the lengthy and heartfelt delivery of the government's sermon by the jueza, the women served relleno negro, typical wedding fare (turkey stew in black sauce) and the ever-present tortillas. It was a smaller crowd, family and close friends including the Estrellas and the nurses from the clinic, myself, and Goliat the dog.

Live music was provided by a men's trio from another church, sometimes competing with the daily mid-day storm. The special tent nearly blew away at one point.

An ominous looking sky was the backdrop for the church wedding Saturday, but then a lovely rainbow shone before the arrival of the bride. And the weather cooperated beautifully the rest of the evening for the outdoor reception. Each person was served a styrofoam tray with three tacos, condiments were on the tables, plenty of canned pop, and then the cake.
The crowd included all the church and community friends.

They really know how to throw parties and make everyone feel special.
Another beautiful experience.


domingo, 13 de julio de 2008


Felicitaciones, enfermeras!
Yesterday five nurses graduated from the two year program at Clínica Bethesda.

There was a thanksgiving service in the church, then a ceremony, on the compound in front of the house next to Mama Gleda's, for the presentation of diplomas and a convivio (food and fellowship) afterwards.
I called Femia today and she said it was very good and the girls looked beautiful. And now they have gone back home.
During my visit in June, I enjoyed spending time with the nurses. We worked several hours on a puzzle and we attended Carla's wedding together and waited hours, it seemed, for the bride to arrive and the wedding to begin and shared favorite Bible verses.

The nurses invited us (Femia, Ulises, and their American guests) for an evening meal, a fogata, a cookout--hot dogs and marshmallows. The perros calientes were excellent. Why do they taste better in Mexico? When we commented on how good they were, Dr. Federico joked about them being maluxes (mutts)!

martes, 8 de julio de 2008

Happy Monthaversary!

July 7th 10:30 p.m.
Exactly a month ago I was sitting at a table with: Dr. Federico and family; John and Shirley Wind, a really neat missionary couple; and Dr. Bob Simmons. We had just witnessed a double wedding ceremony and were enjoying the fellowship, eating botanas (crackers and cheeses) and waiting for the main course. Everything was running late in typical Mexican laid-back fashion.
The civil ceremony came first, the jueza officiating--very complete with vows, promises, and a message from the government addressing the expectations of matrimony and offering strong exhortations to fulfill them. It was a great sermon, without quoting Scripture.
Then came the traditional "church" wedding, held in a salón however, which I was told is a modern trend. In this case, the large crowd would not have fit in their church building.
Paulina re-entered, veil down, escorted by her father, preceded by many little ones--pajes and pajecitas, and damas. The youngest was only 18 months old and toddled up in a little black suit. The many little girls and young women followed either strewing feathers or blowing bubbles, the older ones carrying the rings. They wore deep purple dresses ALL of them sewn by doña Rosi, Paulina's mom, an accomplished seamstress. She also made the bridal gown, complete with 56 buttons in back!
Femia's favorite part was during the congregational praise and worship songs, watching her soon-to-be daughter-in-law raise her hands and sing to the Lord while the little girls joined in song and dance.
Two more sermons by current and mentoring pastors prolonged the ceremony so that by the time Ulises, father of the groom, finally took the pulpit to officiate his very first wedding as an ordained minister, he was rather nervous felt that many words were unnecessary--just the usual vows, rings, prayer and "kiss your wife for the first time!".
The final act was so beautiful and heart felt--Jenna Potts (FSANF*) singing "Oh, tu fidelidad" (Great is your faithfulness) and without a gringa accent!
After the recessional, we carried our chairs to the tables set and waiting, each complete with a cake. And there we fellowshipped till past midnight. The happy couple came to us for hugs and photos. There was a variety of beautiful live music playing throughout and the little girls danced and frolicked in their lovely dresses.
The newly weds had a very late start to their honeymoon but enjoyed every moment of their wedding. And so did we!


*Former Student And Now Friend