martes, 15 de julio de 2008

Remembering the village wedding/s

Another monthaversary happened yesterday--Carla and Harvin's.

Whenever a group of extranjeros was staying in Xocenpich, Silvia (Femia's half-sister) came around selling her crafts (crocheted handbags, coin purses, hats, doll dresses, hair accessories, as well as hammocks). Her daughter Carla always came with her and she talked about wanting to learn English.

Well, this year during my visit, I was privileged to attend both of her wedding ceremonies.
An invitation was personally delivered in a fancy little box inviting us to both celebrations.

The civil ceremony was held at noon on Thursday at her parents' home, the blue house on the corner of the plaza, with the arcade games.
The church wedding was Saturday evening in the Templo followed by a reception at the Bíblico.

For the first, she wore the traditional regional style dress and for the church wedding a modern bridal gown.

The food was also very different. Thursday after the lengthy and heartfelt delivery of the government's sermon by the jueza, the women served relleno negro, typical wedding fare (turkey stew in black sauce) and the ever-present tortillas. It was a smaller crowd, family and close friends including the Estrellas and the nurses from the clinic, myself, and Goliat the dog.

Live music was provided by a men's trio from another church, sometimes competing with the daily mid-day storm. The special tent nearly blew away at one point.

An ominous looking sky was the backdrop for the church wedding Saturday, but then a lovely rainbow shone before the arrival of the bride. And the weather cooperated beautifully the rest of the evening for the outdoor reception. Each person was served a styrofoam tray with three tacos, condiments were on the tables, plenty of canned pop, and then the cake.
The crowd included all the church and community friends.

They really know how to throw parties and make everyone feel special.
Another beautiful experience.

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